Saturday March 9 - Heart: Living from your heart

Saturday April 20  - Belly: Your PowerCenter

Saturday May 18   - Living Fully: Saying Yes to Life is saying Yes to yourself. 


This trilogy is for everyone who is curious about themselves. 


One day  : €125   -   Early bird discount €120*

Two days: €240   -   Early bird discount €225*

Trilogy     : €360   -   Early bird discount €335*



Extra: 2-3 weeks after each trilogy day there will be a one hour zoom for all who participated. 


*Book and pay latest on February 14 and receive the early bird discount!

Practical information:

Language: the days are given in Dutch. 

Location   : De Zevende Hemel, Laan van Meerdervoort 190, Den Haag

Time          : 10.00 - 17.30hours

Price          : Including the one hour zoom after each day, coffee, tea, fruits and sweets


Do you want to sign up? Send an email to